Install & configure xRS
1. Prepare ResourceSpace
Configure your metadata fields
The following set of IPTC and EXIF medata should cover many situations. If you need more, please refer to the EXIFtool library documentation and don't miss to define a shorthand name.
Go to Admin > System > Manage metadata fields, create or modify the following fields (you can use RS existing if you want).
The more important fields to get xRS working with MODX are the short hand name and the Exiftool fields.
Original filename
Tip: use your image reference as filename to use this field to identify the original filename and image reference for your picture, e.g. 000152.01.jpg.
- Resource type: photo
- Field type: Text (Single line)
- Shorthand name: originalfilename
- Index this field: checked
- Display field: checked
- Enable advanced search: unchecked
- Exiftool field: originalfilename
- Resource type: photo
- Shorthand name: iptcheadline
- Index this field: checked
- Display field: checked
- Enable advanced search: checked
- Exiftool field: Headline
- Resource type: photo
- Field type: Text box (single line)
- Shorthand name: iptctitle
- Index this field: checked
- Display field: checked
- Enable advanced search: checked
- Exiftool field: ObjectName,Title
You can priorize according your writing practice: ObjectName (first),Title (second) or Title (first), ObjectName (Second)
- Resource type: photo
- Field type: Dynamic keywords list
- Shorthand name: iptccountry
- Index this field: checked
- Display field: checked
- Enable advanced search: checked
- Exiftool field: Country-PrimaryLocationName,country
Country code
ISO Alpha-3 country code (e.g. JPN for Japan).
- Resource type: photo
- Field type: Text box (single line)
- Shorthand name: iptccountrycode
- Index this field: checked
- Display field: checked
- Enable advanced search: checked
- Exiftool field: Country-PrimaryLocationCode
- Resource type: photo
- Field type: Text box (single line)
- Shorthand name: iptcstate
- Index this field: checked
- Display field: checked
- Enable advanced search: checked
- Exiftool field: Province-State
- Resource type: photo
- Shorthand name: iptccity
- Index this field: checked
- Display field: checked
- Enable advanced search: checked
- Exiftool field: Province-State
Image rating
- Resource type: photo
- Field type: dropdown list (values: 5.4.3,2,1)
- Shorthand name: rsphrrating
- Index this field: unchecked
- Display field: checked
- Enable advanced search: checked
- Exiftool field: leave empty
- Resource type: photo
- Field type: Date and optional time
- Shorthand name: iptcdate
- Index this field: checked
- Display field: checked
- Enable advanced search: unchecked
- Exiftool field: DateTimeOriginal
Keywords - Other
- Resource type: Global
- Field type: Text box (multiple-line)
- Shorthand name: iptckeywords
- Index this field: checked
- Display field: checked
- Enable advanced search: unchecked
- Exiftool field: Keywords
- Resource type: Photo
- Field type: Text box (single line)
- Shorthand name: iptccredit
- Index this field: checked
- Display field: checked
- Enable advanced search: checked
- Exiftool field: Credit,By-line
Copyright Notice
- Resource type: Photo
- Field type: Text box (single line)
- Shorthand name: iptccopynotice
- Index this field: checked
- Display field: checked
- Enable advanced search: checked
- Exiftool field: CopyrightNotice
- Resource type: Photo
- Field type: Text box (multiple-line)
- Shorthand name: iptccaption
- Index this field: checked
- Display field: checked
- Enable advanced search: checked
- Exiftool field: Caption-Abstract,Description,ImageDescription
Named person(s)
- Resource type: Photo
- Field type: Text box (single line)
- Shorthand name: person
- Index this field: checked
- Display field: checked
- Enable advanced search: checked
- Exiftool field: People
Keywords - Subject
- Resource type: Global
- Field type: Checkbox list
- Shorthand name: subject
- Index this field: checked
- Display field: checked
- Enable advanced search: checked
- Exiftool field: none
Keywords - Event
- Resource type: Global
- Field type: Checkbox list
- Shorthand name: subject
- Index this field: checked
- Display field: checked
- Enable advanced search: checked
- Exiftool field: none
Keywords - Emotion
- Resource type: Global
- Field type: Checkbox list
- Shorthand name: emotion
- Index this field: checked
- Display field: checked
- Enable advanced search: checked
- Exiftool field: none
HR image height
Original image height. Not to be confused with the height of the images in each of their respective formats in resourcespace, this is EXIF camera metada.
- Resource type: Photo
- Field type: Text box (single line)
- Shorthand name: exifhrheight
- Index this field: unchecked
- Display field: checked
- Enable advanced search: checked
- Exiftool field: none
HR image width
Original image height. Not to be confused with the height of the images in each of their respective formats in resourcespace, this is EXIF camera metada.
- Resource type: Photo
- Field type: Text box (single line)
- Shorthand name: exifhrwidth
- Index this field: unchecked
- Display field: checked
- Enable advanced search: checked
- Exiftool field: ExifImageWidth
Camera make / model/
- Resource type: Photo
- Field type: Text box (single line)
- Shorthand name: exifhrwidth
- Index this field: unchecked
- Display field: unchecked
- Enable advanced search: checked
- Exiftool field: Model
Image rating
- Resource type: Photo
- Field type: Drop down list
- Shorthand name: phrrating
- Index this field: unchecked
- Display field: unchecked
- Enable advanced search: checked
- Exiftool field: none
Orientation (portrait/landscape)
This is not EXIF orientation data, orientation field is a special RS field automatically populated during image upload (possible values: portrait, landscape, square).
This field could be a text field ; the dropdown set up is just a convenient way to allow modification if necessary.
- Resource type: Photo
- Field type: Drop down list (options: portrait, landscape, square)
- Shorthand name: rsorientation
- Index this field: unchecked
- Display field: unchecked
- Enable advanced search: checked
- Exiftool field: none
Orientation (EXIF)
EXIF orientation data.
- Resource type: Photo
- Field type: Text box (single line)
- Shorthand name: exiforientation
- Index this field: unchecked
- Display field: unchecked
- Enable advanced search: checked
- Exiftool field: Orientation
Configure config.php
All additional photo metadata fields ID need to be specified to allow ResourceSpace API to expose them.
Ability to set a field which will store 'Portrait', 'Landscape', 'square' depending on image dimensions.
Install the MODX plugin for ResourceSpace
The MODX plugin is a customized ResourceSpace API with some enhancement. Download it and install it (System > Manage plugins > Select a .rsp file to install > Upload plugin button.
Create a user group and a user
Create a user group with the following settings:

Create a user and put it in the above usergroup:

2. xRS extra installation
Install ResourceSpace extra with the MODX installer.
3. System settings
Add the following system settings:
Private API key attached to RS guest_api user (to get on the Edit user page in RS).

ResourceSpace URL with traling slash (/).
For xRS:
For xRSplus:
Cache handler method. Example:xPDOFileCache
4. Run your first test
You can run your first test using the xrs single action using debug mode to check ResourceSpace response.